
On April 19th, 2023, I crafted this straightforward HTML project using Replit. While I had previously experimented with Python, delving into web page creation was uncharted territory for me. Witnessing the progress I made filled me with pride. Since then, I’ve expanded my HTML knowledge further by completing projects on freecodecamp.org.

The Project

Hello Everyone Welcome To The Dog Zone!

I would like to indtroduce you to my doggo Tulips
We named him after my girlfriends FAVORITE flower
The rosebush founded by

I know this website is random haha but I just learned some HTML and had to try it out!

The Code

  <H1>Hello Everyone Welcome To The Dog Zone!</H1>

    I would like to indtroduce you to my doggo
    We named him after my girlfriends
    <strong>FAVORITE</strong> flower <br>
    The rosebush founded by
    <a href="https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.ECDOLR4tvm6_C1iBHAnYhAHaLH?pid=ImgDet&rs=1"
      Guns & Roses
  width="300" height= "200"> <br>
<h3>I know this website is random haha but I just learned some HTML and had to try it out!</h3>


Click on the Replit button to engage with the code, or click on the GitHub icon to browse through all files.

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