Understanding Scopes: Local vs. Global Variables

Today, I delved into a fundamental aspect of Python programming – variable scopes. With a focus on distinguishing between local and global variables, I revisited a common stumbling block from past projects: defining global variables within functions.

The Pitfalls of Global Definitions

In this exploration, I uncovered the potential pitfalls of such practices, which can lead to confusion and unexpected behavior in code execution.

Embracing Encapsulation: Returning Variables from Functions

Instead, I adopted a best practice approach by emphasizing encapsulation and clarity in my code. By returning variables from functions rather than defining them globally, I enhance readability, maintainability, and minimize the risk of unintended side effects.

Guess The Number

Implementing Local and Global Variables in the Game

In the provided code, we can observe the usage of both local and global variables:

  1. Local Variables: Variables such as lives, random_number, numbers_guessed, and guess are defined within functions (easy_mode() and hard_mode()). These variables are local to their respective functions and can only be accessed and modified within those functions.
  2. Global Variables: The playing variable, used to control the main game loop, is defined outside of any function. It is a global variable accessible from any part of the script.

Guess The Number

How the Game Works:

The Guess-a-Number game follows a simple set of rules:

  1. The game randomly selects a number between 1 and 100.
  2. The player chooses the game mode: easy (with 10 guesses) or hard (with 5 guesses).
  3. The player inputs their guess for the randomly selected number.
  4. If the player’s guess matches the randomly selected number, they win the game.
  5. If the player’s guess is incorrect, they lose a life.
  6. The game continues until the player either guesses the correct number or runs out of lives.

Utilizing Local Variables for Game Logic

Within the game functions (easy_mode() and hard_mode()), local variables play a crucial role in implementing game logic. For example:

  • lives: Tracks the number of lives the player has remaining.
  • random_number: Stores the randomly generated number that the player must guess.
  • numbers_guessed: Keeps track of the numbers guessed by the player to avoid duplicate guesses.
  • guess: Stores the user’s input for their guess.

These local variables are used to manage the game state, validate user input, and provide feedback to the player during gameplay.

The Code

import random
import os

def clear():
    os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')

def lose_life(lives, random_number, numbers_guessed, guess):
    if guess not in numbers_guessed and guess != random_number:
        lives -= 1
        print(f"You have {lives} lives left")
        print(f"You have guessed: {numbers_guessed}")
    elif guess in numbers_guessed:
        print("You have already guessed that number")
        print(f"You have {lives} lives left")
    return lives, numbers_guessed

def easy_mode():
    lives =10
    random_number = random.randint(1, 100)
    numbers_guessed = []
    print("Welcome to Easy mode of the number guessing game!")
    print("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100")
    print(f"You have {lives} lives to guess the number!\n")

    while lives > 0:
        guess = int(input("Guess a number: "))
        if guess == random_number:
            print(f"Congratulations you guessed the number {random_number}!")
            print("That was the correct number! You are a pro!")
            print("Why not try hard mode next time?")
        elif guess  < random_number:
            print("The number you guessed is too low")
        elif guess > random_number:
            print("The number you guessed is too high")
        lives, numbers_guessed = lose_life(lives, random_number, numbers_guessed, guess)

        if lives == 0:
            print(f"You have run out of lives, the number was {random_number}")
            input("\nPress enter to continue")

def hard_mode():
    lives =5
    random_number = random.randint(1, 100)
    numbers_guessed = []
    print("Welcome to Hard mode of the number guessing game!")
    print("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100")
    print(f"You have {lives} lives to guess the number!\n")

    while lives > 0:
        guess = int(input("Guess a number: "))
        if guess == random_number:
            print(f"Congratulations you guessed the number {random_number}!")
            print("That was the correct number! You are a pro!")
        elif guess  < random_number:
            print("The number you guessed is too low")
        elif guess > random_number:
            print("The number you guessed is too high")
        lives, numbers_guessed = lose_life(lives, random_number, numbers_guessed, guess)

        if lives == 0:
            print(f"You have run out of lives, the number was {random_number}")
            input("\nPress enter to continue")

def main():
    logo ="""

 _____                          _____  _             _   _                    _                  _ 
|  __ \                        |_   _|| |           | \ | |                  | |                | |
| |  \/ _   _   ___  ___  ___    | |  | |__    ___  |  \| | _   _  _ __ ___  | |__    ___  _ __ | |
| | __ | | | | / _ \/ __|/ __|   | |  | '_ \  / _ \ | . ` || | | || '_ ` _ \ | '_ \  / _ \| '__|| |
| |_\ \| |_| ||  __/\__ \\_ _ \   | |  | | | ||  __/ | |\  || |_| || | | | | || |_) ||  __/| |   |_|
 \____/ \__,_| \___||___/|___/   \_/  |_| |_| \___| \_| \_/ \__,_||_| |_| |_||_.__/  \___||_|   (_)
    print("Welcome to the number guessing game")
    mode = input("Choose a mode (easy/hard): ")
    if mode == "easy":
    elif mode == "hard":
        print("Invalid mode")
while playing:
    if input("Would you like to play again? (yes/no): ") == "no":
        playing = False
        input("\nPress enter to exit")

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